Maggie Menu
On the menu for Maggie tonight is puréed sweet potato, puréed brown rice, sprouted organic tofu, chia seeds, and digestive enzymes. Does she look excited? She is!
This dog does not look excited, this dog looks malnourished.
The diet you are feeding your dog places a huge burden entirely on the pancreas, forcing it to produce large amounts of amylase to deal with the starch, cellulose, and carbohydrates in plant matter. (yes, even with your supplements) The carnivore’s pancreas does not secrete cellulase to split the cellulose into glucose molecules, nor have dogs become efficient at digesting and assimilating and utilizing plant material as a source of high quality protein.
When this stuff sits in the pet’s intestine (yes even with your supplemented enzymes) it not only irritates the lining of the bowels but also provides the perfect warm, wet environment with plenty of undigested sugars and starches as food for bacteria.
I respect your choice in leading a vegan lifestyle, but please do not force this on your pet who does not recognize the difference, your dog absolutely needs a healthier diet or it is going to develop health issues and I guarantee you, will not live as long as it could otherwise.
White people be like,”if I don’t eat meat, neither will my carnivorous dog”
omg this is heartbreaking ;-;
I really fucking can’t stand people who try to force veganism on dogs and cats. You are forcing a vegan diet on a carnivore system. Animals go blind, develop health problems, and die from being forced into a vegan diet. Pets often get complications, obesity, and other health problems due to people feeding them food with one of the highest primary ingredients being corn. You can’t just force them to be vegetarian. It doesn’t work that way.
Dogs and cats are meant to eat meat. Hell, that’s why many people are turning to put their pets on raw food diets, instead of feeding them canned or dry kibble.
I wouldn’t put a domesticated animal on a raw food diet either. Domesticated animals no longer have the immune systems to fight food-bourne illnesses that their wild ancestors did.
Be kind to your dog and cook that steak for him :3Generally it’s one of those cases where you need to know what you’re doing before you make any radical changes to your pet’s diet. It’s possible, but you need to work with a vet and animal nutritionist to get the best benefits and avoid getting your animal sick. Certain things can be consumed raw safely, while others need to be avoided at all costs, since the bacteria can make them just as sick as us(Same reason why humans can consume steaks almost raw, but poultry and pork need to be cooked really thoroughly). That’s why dogs can chew on certain raw bones safely(like for example, large beef or bison bones.) They also recommend taking certain poultry bones like turkey necks, and grinding them into raw food to help give your dogs calcium, and phosphorus, and minerals.. Raw bones are actually safer for dogs then cooked ones.
That dog actually really looks depressed. :/
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