Detail of Filipino Burial Urn from the year 600
Filipino Burial Urn from the year 600
Check out this face. Is it cute? Creepy? Charming? Curious? All of the above?
This Filipino limestone jar probably once contained human bones. It was discovered in a cave in Cotabato province, Mindanao around the year 600. The rather small size of the jar indicates that the bodies of the deceased had decomposed before the bones were placed within it. A tradition of jar burials existed in the Philippines from the early Neolithic period, and continues in the same parts of Southeast Asia to the present day.
Visit the museum on Sunday, Oct 5 for our FREE Filipino American History Month Celebration. For a grand total of $0 (Thanks to Target), you can join us for Fil-Am Day AND roam our permanent galleries.
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Wanna learn more about this burial urn? Check it out here.