Zoë Alleyne, Social Control Number is 129,426,3,3523, was born vesselside on February 15, 2484. She grew up on a ship; not much else is known about her early life before the Unification War. During the war, she fought for two and a half years with the 57th Overland Brigade under Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds, on the side of Independence. Corporal Alleyne was present at the culmination of the war, the Battle of Serenity Valley; after seven weeks, she and Reynolds would be the only survivors of their platoon. They were taken as prisoners of war and interred for two weeks before being set free.
After the war, Reynolds began a “lucrative” career in smuggling while Alleyne joined the Dust Devils, a resistance cell focused on continuing the fight for Independence against the Alliance. Her time with the Dust Devils proved to be a brief stint, after which she went on to join Captain Reynolds aboard his smuggling ship, Serenity. Soon after, she married their pilot, Hoban Washburne, after overcoming his disturbing mustache.
(Firefly, 2002)
February 15, 2484 - Zoë Washburne is Born